First, the lucky part. In the past few months, I've been lucky enough to win THREE giveaways via some awesome blogs. I never win anything, so this has me scratching my head...but I'll take it!
First, Maryann from
Domestically Speaking gave away one of her Burlap Beauties. It now hangs in my mudroom.
Second, Sharon from
Elizabeth & Co gave away a yoga mat. Can't wait to use it.
And just today, Tara from
Lauren Lane Decor gave away a gift card to Anthropologie!
If you haven't been to these blogs, get over and take a look! Thank you, ladies!
As for the "two down", I didn't think I was going to get any projects done this week...or at least I didn't think I'd have time to write about them, but here we go. *disclaimer* All pictures below were quickly taken tonight with my point and shoot...terrible lighting
This first table has been with me since this summer. Has anyone been to Bayfield, Wisconsin? Probably not, but on the off chance that you have, have you been to the Junk Lady? You can't miss her...she's got "junk" lining both sides of the highway on the way out of town. And Sally, said Junk Lady, is quite a character. Anyway, this table was very wobbly and bare wood, but had SUCH cute carvings. I got it for $5, my father-in-law made it sturdy with a capital S, and I painted it a glossy white. It was eh. It has been sitting in my basement ever since. Tonight, the hubs brought it out to me in the garage and said "do something with it or get rid of it". (He's not really as mean as he sounds ;)
I had nothing to lose, so I distressed the heck out of it and put walnut stain over it. It's much better!

This little beaute was brought to me by a gal who owns a shop in Minneapolis. She brings me stuff that she finds, I paint it and she sells's a fabulous relationship! She finds ah-MAZING items. Of course, no before of this one, but look at the details!

And lastly, is this gorgeous dresser that I cannot WAIT to work on. I got her off Craig for $25! I'm thinking a walnut top with a painted body...but what color?

Oooohkay..I think this post has been long enough. Hope you enjoyed part of it ;)
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