So when I ran into this, I thought I could do something similar without too much work.
You may want to shield your eyes....can you imagine this on your bathroom ceiling? *shudder*

First, I took the lightbulbs out and the light covers off and was left with just the brass cover/plate. I had a few ideas that I tried and didn't work, so the finish I came up with was accidental. First, I sprayed it silver. It was ok. Then I waxed it to give it an aged feel. No good. Then I put a coat of brushed white on...and it looked even worse. So I decided to sand off the white. Because I'd waxed it, the white kind of peeled off leaving an uneven finish that I liked.
Here is the light fixture today!

Here's what I love about the center is a hole that needs covering. This means I can change up what's in the center depending on the season or holiday! Brilliant! Christmas? Mistletoe or Pinecones. Easter? A small basket of eggs. Summer? A tall vase of sand and shells. The options are endless!
So next time you see a horiffic light fixture at the thrift store, look at it a different way. It might still work!
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