Whoa...I've been MIA the last week or so. Halloween was a big production, but my garage has been keeping me the busiest. I've had some...threats made by my husband. You know the ones..."The garage is too full of ugly furniture...snow is coming and we need to park in the garage". What does he know anyway? ;)
Because of those threats, I've been organizing, painting and selling on Craigslist, etc.
Ok, back to the title of this post. I'm going to come out and shamelessly admit that I love the Craft-O-Maniac blog.
We recently added on a mud/laundry room combo and since we spent most of our cash on the actual building of it all, I have very little moo-lah to decorate it with...know what I mean?
So when I stumbled upon the Burlap Inital Plaque at Craft-O-Maniac,I was instantly in love.
http://craftomaniac.blogspot.com/2010/05/burlap-initial-plaque.htmlI went to Michaels and picked up the letter and frame. I sprayed it with Rustoleum Heirloom white, sanded it and then distressed it with walnut stain. I already had the fabric and paint, but I did need to go to Hancock fabrics for some burlap (boy was that stuff a pain to work with). After putting it all together, here's what mine looks like:

Not quite as professionaland cute as the one at Craft-O-Maniac, but I'm satisfied! Now I need to figure out what else to put on that wall along with it.....any ideas? This is where it hangs now...

But that's not all...I also copied ANOTHER one of Jen's crafty decor ideas! Along with the mudroom, we got a main floor laundry room that.I.LOVE. It's got a window and cupboards...it's a big girl laundry room!! I had my father-in-law, bless his heart, make me the Ballard Inspired drying rack that Centsational Girl did here
Cute, right? Well, this idea by Jen at Craft-O-Maniac can make that drying rack even cuter!! See this idea? http://craftomaniac.blogspot.com/2010/07/laundry-room-signs.html
I got 3 plaques from Michaels, spray painted them with Heirloom white again and distressed with walnut stain. I did the stencils with acrylic black mixed with some burnt umber.
I put the 2 together, and voila!

I know both of the crafts need some friends around them to finish the rooms, but I love how it's starting to take shape!
PS. I realize my picture taking skills need work! Thanks for hanging with me while I get this blogging thing down ;)
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