Thank you to Brandi @ Don't Disturb This Groove for giving me the Stylish Blogger Award! I was so excited to see my name on her list...honored! Brandi and I share the same sense of humor and she rocks at blogging and crafting! I'm looking forward to passing this award on to other ladies who have made a difference in my new blogging endeavor!
In order to accept this award, here are the rules:
Share 7 things about yourself
Pay it forward and pass this on to 15 bloggers who are deserving
Contact those bloggers and tell them about their award!
It's that easy!
7 Things about Me
1. I have been known to venture into random, deserted houses.
2. I love to run...I'm not fast at all, but I love it.
3. I have to make the bed every day. If it's not made at bedtime, I will make it before getting in.
4. I have 2 dogs...Ruby and Zelo. I secretly like one more than the other.
5. I love to bake but hate to cook.
6. Getting a phone call or email from my husband still makes my heart skip a beat...in a good way.
7. I have an amazing group of family and friends.
Paying it Forward to 15 Friends and/or Great Bloggers!
1. Jenn @ http://fleawith.blogspot.com/
2. Cassie @ http://www.primitiveandproper.blogspot.com/
3. Anna @ http://takethesidestreet.blogspot.com/
4. Christa @ http://www.storiesofahouse.com/
5. Kirsty @ http://tkthor.blogspot.com/
6. Carrie @ http://www.lifeinthesoupbowl.blogspot.com/
7. Bill @ http://www.greenscallions.blogspot.com/ (he's my dad!)
10. Courtney @ http://frenchcountrycottage.blogspot.com/
Ok, is 10 enough?? I'm still so new at this that I don't have tons of blog friends!
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