This one, however, wasn't quite as easy. The veneer was really peeling, so I yanked it off, thinking that there was solid wood underneath. was underneath. Now I had a table that I really couldn't use. Meanwhile, this table would.not.stop.bleeding through whatever light paint or primer I put on it. Kilz, high adhesion name it, I tried it, and she kept on bleeding. She was just wasn't supposed to be a white, distressed table in her second life :(
So, I got had such a cute shape, I thought "why couldn't this be an ottoman?". I called up my handy father-in-law and asked him to cut a board that I could upholster and attach to the table. Then I painted her black...which I ended up REALLY liking!
Here is the finished product!
The paint really isn't as shiny in person...I really need to work on taking good photos of furniture. What are your secrets?


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