I finished it with a coat of white paint, distressed it and glazed with dark walnut stain.
So perusing Craigs List a few weeks ago, I found this next table...but much like the first one, I never got a "before" photo. Here's the kicker though...it's the same table! This one wasn't free, but the price was right. The gal who owned it had "stripped the top" and by this, I mean, took a VERY low grit sandpaper to the top. It was a mess. Even after I sanded it down, I stained it and those little curly q's from an orbital sander were still EVERYWHERE and were deep in the wood. So I had to sand it all out, and thus sanding through some of the veneer.
I thought all was lost and tried the vinegar/steel wool finish on the top and it just didn't look right to me. So I tried the dark walnut stain again, and LOVED it. Even though the finish isn't even, I love it because it looks rustic.

The legs and skirt are painted in Stonington Gray by BM. After distressing, I hit the distressed areas with Fiddes Wax in Stripped Pine. Love.
In other news, have you been to Roadkill Rescue??

If you are anything like me, you will LOVE this site. I am obsessed with seeing what other people do with things they get for free. Is it weird that I stalk the free area on Craig? Oh well...I do it anyway.
Check out Roadkill Rescue (click on the link above!) to get inspired!
Happy Holidays!!
Linking here

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