I started putting ideas together in my head and a few on Pinterest. The first thing that had to go was this dining hutch:

A great piece, just not for me or this room. too big and modern. I sold the bottom of it on Craig and the top (all 100+ lbs of it!) is still in my garage. For you locals, it's free on Craig ;)
I originally had said I was keeping this buffet that I refinished recently, but truly, it's too big.

I searched and searched Craig for the "right" piece...and I ended up finding it at my parent's house! We've had this buffet for as long as I can remember. I said to my mom "I want a piece just like THIS!" and she said "I've been waiting for one of you girls to want this". Ummm...ME! Angels were singing! And here's why:

Uh.HUH. The great part is that my parents got this at a garage sale for $15 before I was born. They refinished it together and now I have it! My mom may or may not have told me that she'll haunt me from her grave if I ever paint it. That's ok because I have no plans to paint it. It's too pretty! And it goes perfectly with the dining room table. The hubs just painted the room a blue-gray and once I find a mirror to hang over the buffet, I'll show you a full reveal of the room. But here's a sneak peek:

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Linking here

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