1. This is a desk made by Ballard ($$)
2. It had a shiny, very durable factory finish.

I went through all of the steps for this desk. Beginning with a good sanding. I knew I was going to use oil based primer, but I didn't want to leave any room for error or take a chance that the new finish would scrape off.
I use Zinsser Cover Stain and it has never let me down. I gave the desk 2 coats of primer, followed by 2 coats of white latex paint/primer in one...in Eggshell finish. Distressing this one was more difficult because I needed to get through my new finish along with the factory finish in order for the wood to show through. But I did it, and the desk went home yesterday! Here she is in her new finish!

What do you think? Have you ever been scared to paint something?

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