The crew at my house has been SICK this week (flu, strep times) I've been away from the computer more than usual. Imagine my surprise when I noticed over 200 followers this morning. I never imagined I'd have even 50 people I am thrilled and thankful! To celebrate, let's do a giveaway! I was thinking about what to giveaway and I thought, why not a hodgepodge of stuff....stuff I have and stuff I've bought but not used. Part of the reason I love rehabbing furniture is the notion of re-using things that are still good...helping the environment. I'm not using this stuff, but I know someone would! I'll be interested to see if people think this is a good giveaway or not...if it is, I'll do it again in the future...if not, I'll come up with something else :) This picture shows everything you will get if you win the giveaway:

Decorative painters tape...4 rolls (1 zig zag, 1 rick rack, 2 thin "subtle waves"), 2 brushed nickle handles (new), 4 vintage brass handles, 2 ORB cup pulls (NIB from Target), 1 minwax touch up pen in Dark Walnut (perfect for nooks and crannies when glazing!), 1 cool pillar for a candle...great patina, found at GW. 4 other pulls and a package of staples for a staple gun. Not too many rules: 1. Be a follower and let me know that you are 2. For an additional entry, let me know which item you'd be most excited about trying/using/getting The giveaway will close on Monday, April 4th @ 6p and then I'll let do the dirty work! Good luck, Peeps! ~Allison