I emailed my good friend Marnie, who is a local photographer and asked if she needed any chairs for props, etc. She had just been thinking about doing something like this...so a deal was made. A good deal for both of us...I get more garage space and she get's cheap (read: free) photo props to play around with. Oh, and I got to spray paint. Peeps...I have been waiting for this day a loooong time. Minnesota has been brutal...and it just got above 40*. Marnie wanted one chair in purple and one in distressed white. Easy-peasy!
So yesterday, I finished 2 chairs! I *heart* spray paint for it's ease!

I love them both...they are so different. One, regal and fun. The other, shabby and understated. I hope both will photograph well!
Linking up!
Somewhat Simple

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