You'll have to trust me that she started out being plain and brown. Again, no before picture :(
I had a vision of using the light pink I'd gotten from my Valspar free sample. But the UPS dude that put it on my porch and didn't ring the doorbell (thus causing me to leave it there overnight), apparently didn't realize that if paint freezes, it doesn't thaw well. At.all.
Exhibit A:

No amount of stirring was going to help this paint.
But I still wanted I mixed some white and red and got a nice, light pink
Exhibit B:

Starting to look cute, no? Yeah...this sucker bled through everything. She was not to be pink.
Plan B was to do black because that's what I paint nearly everything that bleeds through lighter colors. So black she is. I failed miserably at measuring and cutting fabric for the three shelves...but from afar, she looks ok.
This was a labor of love right here...I had this piece in the back of my car to take BACK to GW to donate when I was halfway through painting it. But the little voice in my head said "You've wanted this darn bookshelf, now finish it!".

Please excuse the mongo pictures...I'm learning photobucket tonight and am out of patience :)
Linking up here

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