So when I saw this on K-Bid, I was smitten. It was a tall dresser/armoire and wouldn't take up as much room. But I had to win it first...sight unseen. I decided my highest bid would be $30. And I won it for $29!

After getting it home, I inspected it. I loved it and especially loved the detail on the doors and the amount of storage. side had many fragments that had fallen off over time. My father-in-law is a genius when it comes to fixing wood and he suggested taking the back lip off, chipping pieces off of it, and gluing them on the door. Brilliant!! I didn't need that backsplash anyway..
Getting it off was easy!

And used a screwdriver to chip off pieces that would fit....

Essentially putting a puzzle together with glue.
As for color, I'd envisioned white...but I really wanted the details to pop. I wasn't going to distress and instead, I used some silver metalic paint and tried to glaze the details. FAIL. Not cute.
So I painted over the glaze, distressed the details, cleaned up the hardware, and here is the end result. I love it...though I'm not sold on keeping the hardware.

Can you even tell that this is the side I pieced together?

I heart these details

I love it! But I need insight on the hardware...keep the original or look for something more fun?Thoughts?
Git This Party Started

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