So when that same friend brought me these chairs to paint, she thought that same finish should be used.

They (yes, they...there are two, but I didn't "before" both of them) had obviously seen better days, but had tons of potential.
Enter my father-in-law. This man is brilliant. One of the chairs was missing a bottom support, so he used the other chair as a template and cut out a support with his jigsaw. big deal, right? He then proceeded to take apart the chairs and pull of about three POUNDS of hardware from them. Nails, screws, L-brackets...anything that could be added to just keep the chairs together. I was shocked when he brought me the hardware to show me. They even felt lighter! And they looked better too!
Anyway, after 3 coats of dry brushing and some ebony stain, here they are! What a pair!!

And look at that....the grass is even green! Finally!
Linking Here!

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