I am very excited to introduce you Shayne from the shop Style Minneapolis. I have talked about her numerous times as she owns the shop I paint furniture for. She has been a mentor and is true friend with amazing style.

Most of her goods can be seen on her Facebook page here. She also has a new blog called Classic Luxe where she has gorgeous images and inspiration. But Shayne's true love is making jewelry. Amazing jewelry. She sells her Shayne & Coco jewels at her shop and I stole a few pictures to show you how fabulous she is!

What do you think? Amazing, right? Even better, Shayne is offering a $50 shop credit towards one of her creations!
Here are the many ways to enter this giveaway (leave a separate comment below for each entry!)
1. "Like" Style Minneapolis on FB (mandatory)
2. Follow Shayne's blog Classic Luxe
3. Be a follower here at Fab Rehab (via Linky Tools or GFC)
4. Blog or Post on Facebook about this giveaway
This giveaway will be open until 6pm on Wednesday Feb 22. 2012. I will choose a winner via Random.org and will post here! Good Luck!
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